PipeWire 1.2.5
No Matches


typedef void(* pw_destroy_t) (void *object)
 a function to destroy an item


#define strndupa(s, n)
#define strdupa(s)
#define pw_rand32()   ({ uint32_t val; pw_random(&val, sizeof(val)); val; })
#define PW_DEPRECATED(v)   ({ __typeof__(v) _v SPA_DEPRECATED = (v); (void)_v; (v); })


const char * pw_split_walk (const char *str, const char *delimiter, size_t *len, const char **state)
 Split a string based on delimiters.
char ** pw_split_strv (const char *str, const char *delimiter, int max_tokens, int *n_tokens)
 Split a string based on delimiters.
int pw_split_ip (char *str, const char *delimiter, int max_tokens, char *tokens[])
 Split a string in-place based on delimiters.
char ** pw_strv_parse (const char *val, size_t len, int max_tokens, int *n_tokens)
 Parse an array of strings.
int pw_strv_find (char **a, const char *b)
 Find a string in a NULL terminated array of strings.
int pw_strv_find_common (char **a, char **b)
 Check if two NULL terminated arrays of strings have a common string.
void pw_free_strv (char **str)
 Free a NULL terminated array of strings.
char * pw_strip (char *str, const char *whitespace)
 Strip all whitespace before and after a string.
ssize_t pw_getrandom (void *buf, size_t buflen, unsigned int flags)
 Fill a buffer with random data.
void pw_random (void *buf, size_t buflen)
 Fill a buffer with random data.
void * pw_reallocarray (void *ptr, size_t nmemb, size_t size)

Detailed Description

Various utility functions

Typedef Documentation

◆ pw_destroy_t

typedef void(* pw_destroy_t) (void *object)

a function to destroy an item

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ strndupa

#define strndupa ( s,
n )

◆ strdupa

#define strdupa ( s)

◆ pw_rand32

#define pw_rand32 ( )    ({ uint32_t val; pw_random(&val, sizeof(val)); val; })


#define PW_DEPRECATED ( v)    ({ __typeof__(v) _v SPA_DEPRECATED = (v); (void)_v; (v); })

Function Documentation

◆ pw_split_walk()

const char * pw_split_walk ( const char * str,
const char * delimiter,
size_t * len,
const char ** state )

Split a string based on delimiters.

stra string to split
delimiterdelimiter characters to split on
[out]lenthe length of the current string
[in,out]statea state variable
a string or NULL when the end is reached

Repeatedly call this function to split str into all substrings delimited by delimiter. state should be set to NULL on the first invocation and passed to the function until NULL is returned.

◆ pw_split_strv()

char ** pw_split_strv ( const char * str,
const char * delimiter,
int max_tokens,
int * n_tokens )

Split a string based on delimiters.

stra string to split
delimiterdelimiter characters to split on
max_tokensthe max number of tokens to split
[out]n_tokensthe number of tokens
a NULL terminated array of strings that should be freed with pw_free_strv.

◆ pw_split_ip()

int pw_split_ip ( char * str,
const char * delimiter,
int max_tokens,
char * tokens[] )

Split a string in-place based on delimiters.

stra string to split
delimiterdelimiter characters to split on
max_tokensthe max number of tokens to split
[out]tokensan array to hold up to max_tokens of strings
the number of tokens in tokens

str will be modified in-place so that tokens will contain zero terminated strings split at delimiter characters.

◆ pw_strv_parse()

char ** pw_strv_parse ( const char * val,
size_t len,
int max_tokens,
int * n_tokens )

Parse an array of strings.

vala string to parse
lenthe length of val
max_tokensthe max number of tokens to split
[out]n_tokensthe number of tokens, may be NULL
a NULL terminated array of strings that should be freed with pw_free_strv.

val is parsed using relaxed json syntax.


◆ pw_strv_find()

int pw_strv_find ( char ** a,
const char * b )

Find a string in a NULL terminated array of strings.

aa strv to check
bthe string to find
the index in a where b is found or < 0 if not.

◆ pw_strv_find_common()

int pw_strv_find_common ( char ** a,
char ** b )

Check if two NULL terminated arrays of strings have a common string.

aa strv to check
banother strv to check
the index in a of the first common string or < 0 if not.

◆ pw_free_strv()

void pw_free_strv ( char ** str)

Free a NULL terminated array of strings.

stra NULL terminated array of string

Free all the strings in the array and the array

◆ pw_strip()

char * pw_strip ( char * str,
const char * whitespace )

Strip all whitespace before and after a string.

stra string to strip
whitespacecharacters to strip
the stripped part of str

Strip whitespace before and after str. str will be modified.

◆ pw_getrandom()

ssize_t pw_getrandom ( void * buf,
size_t buflen,
unsigned int flags )

Fill a buffer with random data.

bufa buffer to fill
buflenthe number of bytes to fill
flagsoptional flags
the number of bytes filled

Fill buf with buflen random bytes.

◆ pw_random()

void pw_random ( void * buf,
size_t buflen )

Fill a buffer with random data.

bufa buffer to fill
buflenthe number of bytes to fill

Fill buf with buflen random bytes. This functions uses pw_getrandom() but falls back to a pseudo random number generator in case of failure.

◆ pw_reallocarray()

void * pw_reallocarray ( void * ptr,
size_t nmemb,
size_t size )