PipeWire 1.2.5
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cpw_bufferBuffer structure obtained from pw_stream_dequeue_buffer()
 Cpw_client_eventsClient events
 Cpw_client_infoThe client information
 Cpw_client_methodsClient methods
 Cpw_client_node_bufferInformation about a buffer
 Cpw_client_node_eventsClient Node events
 Cpw_client_node_methodsClient Node methods
 Cpw_context_eventsContext events emitted by the context object added with pw_context_add_listener
 Cpw_control_eventsPort events, use pw_control_add_listener
 Cpw_core_eventsCore events
 Cpw_core_infoThe core information
 Cpw_core_methodsCore methods
 Cpw_data_loop_eventsLoop events, use pw_data_loop_add_listener to add a listener
 Cpw_device_eventsDevice events
 Cpw_device_infoThe device information
 Cpw_device_methodsDevice methods
 Cpw_export_typeData for registering export functions
 Cpw_factory_eventsFactory events
 Cpw_factory_infoThe factory information
 Cpw_factory_methodsFactory methods
 Cpw_filter_eventsEvents for a filter
 Cpw_global_eventsGlobal events, use pw_global_add_listener
 Cpw_impl_client_eventsThe events that a client can emit
 Cpw_impl_core_eventsFactory events, listen to them with pw_impl_core_add_listener
 Cpw_impl_device_eventsDevice events, listen to them with pw_impl_device_add_listener
 Cpw_impl_factory_eventsFactory events, listen to them with pw_impl_factory_add_listener
 Cpw_impl_link_eventsLink events added with pw_impl_link_add_listener
 Cpw_impl_metadata_eventsMetadata events, listen to them with pw_impl_metadata_add_listener
 Cpw_impl_module_eventsModule events added with pw_impl_module_add_listener
 Cpw_impl_node_eventsNode events, listen to them with pw_impl_node_add_listener
 Cpw_impl_port_eventsPort events, use pw_impl_port_add_listener
 Cpw_link_eventsLink events
 Cpw_link_infoThe link information
 Cpw_link_methodsLink methods
 Cpw_main_loopA main loop object
 Cpw_main_loop_eventsEvents of the main loop
 Cpw_mapA map
 Cpw_map_rangeParameters to map a memory range
 Cpw_memblockMemory block structure
 Cpw_memmapMapped region of a pw_memblock
 Cpw_mempoolA memory pool is a collection of pw_memblocks
 Cpw_metadata_eventsMetadata events
 Cpw_metadata_methodsMetadata methods
 Cpw_module_eventsModule events
 Cpw_module_infoThe module information
 Cpw_module_methodsModule methods
 Cpw_node_eventsNode events
 Cpw_node_infoThe node information
 Cpw_node_methodsNode methods
 Cpw_port_eventsPort events
 Cpw_port_methodsPort methods
 Cpw_profiler_eventsProfiler events
 Cpw_profiler_methodsProfiler methods
 Cpw_protocol_native_extpw_protocol_native_ext methods
 Cpw_proxy_eventsProxy events, use pw_proxy_add_listener
 Cpw_registry_eventsRegistry events
 Cpw_registry_methodsRegistry methods
 Cpw_resource_eventsResource events
 Cpw_security_context_eventsSecurity Context events
 Cpw_security_context_methodsSecurity Context methods
 Cpw_stream_eventsEvents for a stream
 Cpw_thread_loop_eventsThread loop events
 Cpw_timeA time structure
 Cspa_audio_info_rawAudio information description
 Cspa_bufferA Buffer
 Cspa_buffer_alloc_infoInformation about the buffer layout
 Cspa_callbacksCallbacks, contains the structure with functions and the data passed to the functions
 Cspa_chunkChunk of memory, can change for each buffer
 Cspa_dataData for a buffer this stays constant for a buffer
 Cspa_device_infoInformation about the device and parameters it supports
 Cspa_device_object_infoInformation about a device object
 Cspa_hookA hook, contains the structure with functions and the data passed to the functions
 Cspa_hook_listA list of hooks
 Cspa_interface_infoThis structure lists the information about available interfaces on handles
 Cspa_io_async_buffersAsync buffers
 Cspa_io_buffersIO area to exchange buffers
 Cspa_io_clockAbsolute time reporting
 Cspa_io_latencyLatency reporting
 Cspa_io_memoryIO area to exchange a memory region
 Cspa_io_positionThe position information adds extra meaning to the raw clock times
 Cspa_io_rangeA range, suitable for input ports that can suggest a range to output ports
 Cspa_io_rate_matchRate matching
 Cspa_io_segmentA segment converts a running time to a segment (stream) position
 Cspa_io_segment_barBar and beat segment
 Cspa_io_segment_videoVideo frame segment
 Cspa_io_sequenceControl stream, io area for SPA_IO_Control and SPA_IO_Notify
 Cspa_latency_infoHelper structure for managing latency objects
 Cspa_log_topicIdentifier for a topic
 Cspa_log_topic_enumEnumeration of log topics in a plugin
 Cspa_loop_control_hooksControl hooks
 Cspa_loop_control_methodsControl an event loop
 Cspa_loop_methodsRegister sources and work items to an event loop
 Cspa_loop_utils_methodsCreate sources for an event loop
 Cspa_metaA metadata element
 Cspa_meta_bitmapBitmap information
 Cspa_meta_busyBusy counter for the buffer
 Cspa_meta_controlTimed set of events associated with the buffer
 Cspa_meta_cursorCursor information
 Cspa_meta_headerDescribes essential buffer header metadata such as flags and timestamps
 Cspa_meta_regionMetadata structure for Region or an array of these for RegionArray
 Cspa_meta_sync_timelineA timeline point for explicit sync
 Cspa_meta_videotransformTransformation of the buffer
 Cspa_node_callbacksNode callbacks
 Cspa_node_eventsEvents from the spa_node
 Cspa_node_infoNode information structure
 Cspa_node_methodsNode methods
 Cspa_param_infoInformation about a parameter
 Cspa_pod_sequenceSequence of timed controls
 Cspa_port_infoPort information structure
 Cspa_process_latency_infoHelper structure for managing process latency objects
 Cspa_result_node_errorError result
 Cspa_result_node_paramsResult of enum_params or port_enum_params
 Cspa_ringbufferA ringbuffer type
 Cspa_supportExtra supporting infrastructure passed to the init() function of a factory
 Cspa_tag_infoHelper structure for managing tag objects
 Cspa_thread_utils_methodsThread utils